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PT. Renerpha Energi Utama (REU) was acquired as a subsidiary company by PT. Enviromate Technology International in 2014 and is based in Jakarta. REU is created to develop renewable energy power plants across Indonesia. Our goal is to inline with the government's program to sustain the electricity supply as well as the purpose of reducing green house gasses.


As the state owned company, PT. PLN is responsible to distribute electricity towards public across Indonesia. REU is currently developing a 1.5 MW mini-hydro power plant located at Ciherang River, Purwakarta, West Java, Indonesia. This plant is currently under construction with an estimate of completion time in the first quarter of 2017. As our vision is to reduce the carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases from fossil fuels and make better environment for the better future's generation, therefore it will be implemented on our mission in becoming leading in Mini-hydro and Solar Power Energy Provider in Indonesia. In accordance to our Vision and Mission, There are some objectives We have been done.

In terms of Financial aspect, our sales revenue projection in developing PLTM Ciherang is $1.1 million with IRR generation of 20% from each of our investment. Despite, We belive that We can generate additional revenue from developing potential renewable power plant at least 300 MW from the needs of 44 GW of renewable energy potential projects across Indonesia. From the marketing perspective, REU will do 2 major approaces, such as customer relations and future plants development. Since we only have one client in this business, our marketing objectives will focus more heavily on making sure that the current financial objectives are met. This goal can be achieved by developing a good customer relationship with the PLN organisation, as well as monitoring the plant’s current performance, ensuring that there are no major issues that will affect the plants performance to generate electricity.

REU also plans on expanding its business growth through the development of additional micro- and mini-hydro power plants and solar plants across Indonesia. They set their marketing objective to identify new locations with long term potential to develop other hydro plants and new solar power plants. In order to be able to provide top quality installations and low cost equipment, REU is currently tergeting together a portfolio of new partners with engineering companies and turbine producers, Indonesian turbine producers and international controls and grid connection companies. REU would like to become a sustainable developer and manager of Hydropower and Solarpower projects featuring Indonesian technologies with International quality certifications.


"We have a dream. And its Green. What about You?"



Founder & Chief Executive Officer


Mr. Suriyanto has succeeded with CNG plant projects in Indonesia. Currently, He expands the business in Renewable Energy


Chief Financial Officer


Has 20 years of experiences in Finance, Mrs. Afin has been able to develop Renewable Energy with affordable price


Chief Operational Officer


With experiences in Energy , Mr Gamas has joined REU aim to lead Indonesia electricity transition to Renewable Energy.


Contact Us

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Gedung Kirana Office Tower 2
Jl. Boulevard Timur No. 88 Kelapa Gading TImur Jakarta Utara 14240

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PT. Renerpha Energy Utama (REU) goal is to inline with the government's program to sustain the electricity supply by developing renewable energy across Indonesia.

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