Based on Government Regulation no. 79 year 2014 concerning National Energy Policy, The energy utilization for the electricity is ranked into: Renewable Energy like Hydro, Geothermal, Solar, Wind, Biomass, and Waste energy; New Energy Resources in solid and gas form; and Natural Gas and Coal
Aligned with one of PLN’s mission that is to performing environmentally friendly business activities, PP no. 79/2014 about National Energy Policy, and the regulation from Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources No. 2/2006 about Medium scale Independent Power Plant, PLN plans to develop The Renewable Energy like Hydro, Geothermal, Solar, Wind, Biomass, and Waste energy. PLN is targeting The renewable energy conversion as follows:
In 2025, The utilization of Renewable Energy reach a minimum percentage of 23% of total Power Plant throughout its economic fulfilled, less than 25% of diesel utilized, minimum use of coal by 23%, minimum use of Natural Gas by 22%.
In 2050, The utilization of Renewable Energy reach a minimum percentage of 31% of total Power Plant throughout its economic fulfilled, less than 20% of diesel utilized, minimum use of coal by 25%, minimum use of Natural Gas by 24%
The Support from government also acquired by Indonesia President‘s Ruling No. 79 / 2014 (clause 11 point 3) : “The provisions referred to in paragraph ( 2 ) shall not apply to nuclear energy which is utilized by considering the security of national energy supplies on a large scale , reducing carbon emissions , and give priority to the potential of the New Energy and Renewable Energy.
Most of utilization of Hydro Prospect in Indonesia are using Run of river (ROR) system and its prospect scattered across Indonesia. Indonesia as a islands country that formed by a subduction of oceanic plate and the Indonesia forest was the opportunity to develop Hydro Power Plant with a big catchment area.
Based on Keputusan Direktur Jendral ESDM EBTKE no. 979K/29/DJE/2013, Photovoltaic Solar Power plant have 80 prospects with total 140 MWp across Indonesia to be build. It is a very big opportunity to develop renewable energy in Indonesia, especially Hydro and Solar.